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Global fintech firm unveils private markets wealth hub (International Adviser)

IFAs will have access to a range of funds around private equity, private credit, real estate and venture capital

Fintech firm Bite Investments has rolled out a digital hub to give family offices, IFAs and investors access to a range of private market funds.

Bite Wealth Universe will have an offering of private market and alternative funds on asset classes including private equity, private credit, real estate and venture capital.

The funds available come from the white-labelled software’s clients and Bite Group’s own regulated investment manager.

The hub allows users to filter funds by strategy, style, liquidity, target return and geography based on their investment criteria

Justin Mason, head of Bite Wealth Universe, said: “Bite Wealth Universe allows our Bite Stream clients to amplify the reach of their funds and opportunities outside of their own audience to our larger universe of investors that we have built up over many years in the industry.

“Using our SaaS technology built for Stream and including funds from Bite Group’s own regulated investment manager on the investment platform, makes Bite Wealth Universe an attractive digital hub for investors looking for exciting new investment opportunities from a variety of providers all in one place.

“At the same time, asset managers benefit from a larger exposure to investors with an appetite of investing in alternatives, during what has been an unusually difficult fundraising environment.”

Source: International Adviser


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