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Investment lifecycle

Automate the entire fund & investment lifecycle, from product launch and fundraising, to investor subscription, onboarding, and post investment events.

Investment lifecycle

A fully customizable and secure end-to-end investment lifecycle management platform for asset managers, allowing you to...


Customize platform permissions per individual or department without privacy concerns


Document and contract automations allow for more transparency, productivity, efficiency and investor satisfaction, whilst reducing costs and friction


View and track all investment activity from investors to your teams and tasks


Sign & store easily so investors and teams never have to leave the platform and all data and information can be reused


Meet regulatory requirements for all subscriptions with legal & compliance risk assessment by fund administrator or legal counsel


Communicate with your investors instantly through the client communications center, a build-in email marketing tool

No more laborious documents, incomplete investments and human errors with...





Smart forms


Mandatory documents

Mandatory document

Frequently Asked Questions
Investment Lifecycle

Yes, users on the platform can be assigned specific roles which will determine their access to the various platform features, the tasks they can perform and the oversight they have.

Yes, access to the platform can be shared with external providers. For example, fund administrators can be granted access to review subscription details and documents on the platform and assign a risk weighting. With permission from the user, they can also bulk-download all relevant materials to store off-platform.

No, Bite utilizes its own proprietary signage technology. This enables investors, users and any third-party advisors or providers to sign documents digitally on-platform, maintaining a single clean audit trail.  

We do not require our clients to use any standard subscription documents or forms, or to follow a specific format. Utilizing our configurable technology, we can digitize your entire subscription pack and incorporate it onto our platform whilst matching your specific requirements.

Yes, we can curate based on investor persona, geographical borders, and/or general discretion from a marketing/sales perspective.

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