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Podcast: Master of Risk | Episode 3: Live from the Global Credit & Risk Symposium (S&P Global Market Intelligence)

S&P Global Market Intelligence’s Master of Risk monthly podcast reaches across the globe to speak to business leaders about what keeps them up at night, whether it’s credit, market volatility, energy, or any other pressing risk issue. Hosted by Yashi Yadav, Bite’s Head of Capital Introductions, Mark Jennings, is one of the business leaders to join the third episode of the series live from S&P’s Global Credit and Risk Symposium, discussing the biggest financial market risks so far this year, and the opportunities technology brings within the alternatives investment industry. Other guests in this special third episode of the series are Jacob Yahiayn, CEO of ULAS, Mayra Rodriguez Valladares, Managing Principal at MRV Associates, LLC., and Carl Schecter, CEO of Staunton.

Listen to the podcast and Mark’s segment starting at 30 minutes 45 seconds here.

Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence


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