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Private equity opportunity continues to grow for High Net Worth investors (AlphaWeek)

A new white paper from fintech Bite Investments, “Private Equity: A Growing Opportunity for HNW Investors”, suggests that the growth in the private equity industry represents a solid opportunity for the high-net-worth individual investor crowd.

Bite CEO William Rudebeck cited industry projections that by 2024, global private equity AUM is forecast to reach $6.4trn. “There is considerable attention now focused on the private equity market,” said Rudebeck. “In an environment of high volatility, private equity has performed well and is forecast to continue its climb over the next few years as more HNW individuals seek a greater ROI. Of course, capturing the growing opportunity in private equity depends on several key factors. At the top of the list are efficient, fully integrated technologies which deliver a seamless investment process from diligence, compliance and know your customer (KYC) steps, to investment selection and monitoring.”

Rudebeck also emphasized the importance of inter-industry partnerships. “Leveraging private equity market conditions will also be a function of strategic alliances between fintech companies, wealth managers and other investment advisors so that the optimum targeting of HNW investors can be achieved.”

Source: AlphaWeek


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