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Bite wins award for its investment platform in SME News’ Finance Awards 2021

Bite Investments is grateful to be recognised as “Most Innovative Alternative Investment Fintech Platform 2021” in SME News’ Finance Awards 2021.

Through our online investment platform, high-net-worth investors (HNWI), sophisticated investors and advisors can get access to and invest into top-tier alternative investment funds. We combine our proprietary technology with select investment opportunities to provide unique value propositions to a range of clients.

Our tech solutions allows wealth management firms and asset managers to compliantly streamline and scale the distribution of alternative investment products through a turnkey solution or by integrating the platform with existing systems via our API. The platform automates the entire investment cycle from client suitability and distribution, through to transaction and reporting. We also provide bespoke, stand-alone tech solutions for premarketing, distribution, subscription and investor relations.

We are honoured to win this award. It is a true testament to Bite’s work and success with expanding access to private markets and injecting convenience into financial management. Moving forward, we hope to continue to be a trusted partner for the wealth management industry.

To learn more about how we make alternatives more accessible, please create a free account here or learn more about our enterprise solutions and book a demo here.

Source: SME News


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