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Q&A with Tom, Bite’s Chief Information Officer

Bite recently welcomed Tom Hamilton as Chief Information Officer in London, to lead the firm’s management, implementation, and usability of information technology and computer systems. He joined Bite from GPG where he was the Head of Architecture for the European Energy Trading Organisation. He has over 20 years’ experience of senior IT roles across an extensive list of Blue-Chip organisations including JPMorgan, Deutsche Bank, ABN Amro, BP, and BJSS.

1. Tell us a bit about your background: what have you done in your past senior IT roles? 

I have been building business solutions across a wide range of industries and technologies. Having spent many years as Head of Architecture / CTO, I have built some challenging solutions, from the use of generic algorithms to planning the effective location of drilling wells, to high frequency trading applications, as well as multi-million dollar online white labelled platforms. Latterly, I’ve been shaping architectural governance and frameworks to enable larger scale teams to delivery more quickly whilst ensuring highest standards and frameworks.

2. What attracted you to Bite?

This is a very exciting industry to be a part of and the chance to lead the growth of a global, diverse, and dynamic team is a great opportunity, especially with Bite’s senior leadership group, who’s knowledge, commitment and passion for the industry are clear to see. 

3. What do you see as the biggest challenge with digitising the wealth management market? 

As with any change, the greatest challenge is getting people to see the possibilities and understand that journey is easier than they thought. For wealth management, the opportunities are huge, and I am keen to bring that vision and enablement to the industry.

4. What are the largest benefits of digital transformation? 

Changing the way people work in a way that enables them to apply their creativity and passion, with speed and scale. When done well, people and teams achieve much greater things than merely digitising existing ways of working – they work differently. 

5. What are you hoping to contribute with at Bite?

I hope to change the face of wealth management by providing an easy to use, regulatory compliant solution that the user community can buy into; with shorter implementation lead times to enable organisation to derive real value quickly.  

6. Any last words of advice to companies interested in the technology solutions you are developing?

Get in touch! We would be happy to explain how the technology works, the basis for our security and compliance models and to demonstrate just how easy the platform can be. 


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