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Webinar with BritishAmerican Business on US Growth & Investments

BritishAmerican Business (BAB), recently arranged a virtual Transatlantic Growth Roundtable where selected UK headquartered companies joined to discuss their US growth journey. Charles von Moll, Head of Europas at Bite, participated to talk about the importance of US in the private markets industry. He highlighted the challenges fund managers are facing when it comes to fundraising efficiently and how digitalisation is now shaping the private capital industry. Our mission at Bite is to help expand access to alternative investments through our private markets technology solutions.

BritishAmerican Business is the leading transatlantic trade association incorporating the British-American Chamber of Commerce in the US and the American Chamber of Commerce in the UK. They are committed to strengthening the economic corridor between the United States and and the United Kingdom. Learn more about the association on their website.

To learn more about our North American expansion, please see our press release from December when our New York office was launched. If you wish to view a recording of the session, please do so on BAB’s YouTube site here.


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