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Digital assets and technological innovation – panel session with PWM

On June 23rd, Professional Wealth Management and FT Live hosted the Private Wealth Tech Summit 2022. Bite’s Head of Fund Investments, Anna Baráth, CFA, spoke on a panel called ‘Digital assets and technological innovation: exploring a tech-led investment strategy’. Joining her were distinguished representatives from Fidelity International and Julius Baer. The topics discussed focused on how and why firms should be implementing digital strategies. All moderated by PWM’s own Deputy Editor Elisa Trovato.

The sessions are now available to view on-demand via the agenda tab on the event website. You may need to register to view it and you can do that via this link:

Session overview: Digital assets and technological innovation: exploring a tech-led investment strategy

The future seems bright for digital assets as they make their way towards institutional adoption at pace. This wave of asset class is forcing managers to evolve their strategies in time with the market, remain competitive and create robust strategies for embracing digital assets. These alternative allocations offer opportunities for portfolio growth and also a host of clients interested in exposure. What are the reasons for the growing appetite? Is it all hype?

Are firms risking customer retention without exposure digital offerings? From decentralised currencies, NFTs and digital securities, how far is doubling down on disruption leading to increased returns? How can firms better equip their workforces to be successful in implementing digital strategies? Is herd mentality pushing investors to seek digital allocations without understanding the consequences of volatility?

Source: Professional Wealth Management

About Bite Investments

Bite Investments provide a seamless end-to-end investment process. Our investor solutions software enables asset managers to provide a fully digital user service to their investor base, whilst our online investment platform allows the full spectrum of investors to invest in top-tier alternative investment funds in a streamlined process.


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